Advanced Liposomal Encapsulation Technology (ALET)

The future of bioavailability is here

We’ve already talked about why liposomal encapsulation technology, also known as LET, is the answer for eliminating the differences between the disparities of efficacy of in vitro and in vivo testing. ALET is a few steps further in the same direction, making use of a number of advancements and making the already superior system far better.

Why is bioavailability of supplements low?

In short, testing a supplement in vitro (for example, in a test tube) can show its amazing benefits on calming inflamed cells.  However, putting the same supplement in a capsule and testing it in vivo (e.g.  inside a living organism) rarely yields the same results.

This is so because in vitro testing shows direct results on tissues or cells. In vivo usage greatly differs because the supplement needs to go through the body in order to reach the cells. While going through the body, the supplement will get into contact with various enzymes, bile salts and acids which will do their job of degrading it thus reducing its amounts.

Moreover, when it does reach the cells, efficacy can be further reduced due to the cell membrane mechanisms which hamper uptake.

All of these factors influence bioavailability of the supplement and, eventually, its efficacy. Simply put, far less of the supplement gets the chance to exert the benefits shown by the in vitro tests.

This is why many supplements which are very efficient in vitro fail to provide the advertised benefits in vivo.

Vitamin C is probably one of the most famous examples of a supplement which is extremely important and efficient in theory, but far less praised in practice.

Glutathione is probably a more important one. This peptide is essential for proper functioning of the body and its deficiency inevitably leads to a number of issues in the body, some of which can be fatal.

However, being a peptide, when glutathione is taken as a supplement, it is degraded by peptidase enzymes in the GI tract. As a result, only up to 3% is successfully absorbed.

LET (liposomal encapsulation technology) improves bioavailability of supplements

If you are not familiar with LET, I would strongly recommend this article. In short, LET improves bioavailability immensely by:

  • Protecting the supplement from enzymes and acids in the body
  • Enabling targeted routing
  • Enabling timed release
  • ‘Unlocking’ the membrane of the target cells thus releasing the entire content inside

Liposomes have no side effects and they improve bioavailability immensely. The mentioned bioavailability issue that glutathione has disappears, as LET enables bioavailability of over 90%!

Of course, this is provided that liposomes are of the right quality. ENDOSANA experts have developed liposomes with the lowest level of added ingredients and the highest level of quality and stability. However, that was LET.

Now we have ALET!

What is ALET (advanced liposomal encapsulation technology)?

Our patented ALET takes all the benefits of LET and makes them more powerful, more versatile and more pure than ever before.  It is a combination of several different advancements in the field of liposomes production which add up to a substantial difference in quality.

What makes ALET different from LET?

Regular, LET production of liposomes includes several added ingredients necessary for top quality and stability. These usually include water, lecithin, glycerol, alcohol and potassium sorbate.

In LET, alcohol is very important for stability of liposomes. However, too much alcohol is never a good thing. This is why a perfect measure between stability and alcohol amount is necessary. While stable liposomes with alcohol levels under 4% are usually considered high-quality, our LET production enabled us to go under 1% without compromising stability.

Similarly, potassium sorbate is used in LET as preservative.

However, ALET brings a whole new approach to the production of liposomes.

It enables production of dry liposomes – liposomal powder which has a number of benefits.

  • First of all, there are no added ingredients – just the liposome and the active content (supplement, medical food, vitamin…).
  • Secondly, there is no alcohol, or any preservatives including potassium sorbate. Preservatives and alcohol are not necessary for the stability of liposomal powder.
  • Liposomal powder is scent free.
  • Liposomal powder can be packed in capsules, which eliminates any issues with the taste of liposomes that some people dislike. This also means that there is no need to add any flavor or taste modifiers.
  • After opening LET products, they have to be kept in a refrigerator. This makes them not suitable for travelling. ALET products are perfect for travelers.
  • Lecithin is usually sourced from soy. ALET enables us to produce lecithin from soy or sunflower, which makes these products suitable for people reluctant to take soy-based products.
  • ALET enables even easier uptake then the already amazing LET.

Efficacy of ALET products is higher, there are no added ingredients or side effects. On the other hand, ALET products greatly increase bioavailability of supplements, vitamins or medical foods.

The benefits are immense!

Our tests have shown that ALET curcumin is 1673% more bioavailable than non-liposomal curcumin. That means that it is 16.73 times more present in the body! Similarly, our ALET vitamin C is 660% more bioavailable than any other competitor vitamin C we have tested.

ALET represents the biggest improvement in bioavailability available at the moment. This is the very frontier of this field of science and a way to make safe, natural medical solutions much more powerful than they have ever been.

ALET is a major step in our efforts to eliminate side effects from medicine. Join us and unlock the endogenous power of the body!